Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Declaration of Termination: Keywords: The President is Fired, Declaration of Independence, President Robinette Bidden, abuse of power, tyrant, autocrat, danger to fair elections, inflation, deception, threat to democracy.

Let the Fireworks begin!!!

Declaration of Termination

                When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for We, the People to terminate the mandate of the current occupant of the Executive of the Federal Government we created to serve us, and to assume among the powers of the Earth those to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle us, out of respect to  the opinions of mankind  we declare the causes which impel us to remove Robinette Bidden as President of these United States of America.

                We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal in their dignity, that they are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, Property and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted by the People, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to secure their Safety and Happiness.

                Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Remember 1776! The objective was to get rid of a tyrant government,
foreign or local

                Such has been the patient sufferance of these United States since November 3 of 2020; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to remove the federal President of the Republic. The history of the present occupier of the White House is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over the free people of these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

Love of country and understanding the nature of our government of limited powers
must be passed on to the future generations

                He has promoted the adulteration of our common language to the level of imposition. Ancient Law and common-sense mandate that words must be given their plain, ordinary and literal meaning. If the words are clear, they must be applied. President Bidden, by executive order or by imposing arbitrary regulations on the People, has attempted to change the meaning of words of the most common use in order to pervert the intent and meaning of our ancient Laws, duly approved Acts of Congress, or Opinions of the Supreme Court. Among these are: fairness instead of justice, equity in place of equality, sex and gender for social identity, a plethora of confusing and made up new words for the most commonly used pronouns, reproductive rights for its opposite of abortion, privacy for secret immoral acts, abominable sexual relations for marriage, inflation reduction for excessive spending, insurrection for public demonstrations of his opponents, undocumented non-citizens for illegal immigrant, secure border for open border, gender affirmation medicine for mutilation, and many others. These attempts to create new definitions have created not only confusion among the people making difficult all communications and transactions but have led to unnecessary conflicts and acts of violence among the people and misinterpretation of the Law.

                He has blatantly disregarded many final Opinions of the Supreme Court of these United States, thus nullifying the separation of powers ordained by the Constitution. The Justices’ Opinions were the end of many judicial processes that reversed arbitrary and illegal decisions made by the Executive branch under his direction. The protection of the Supreme Court was sought by individual citizens, associations and corporations and even numerous State Governments. Among the decisions subjected to the judicial review of our highest court are his violations of the constitutional guarantees to freedom of speech, particularly of political expression; his acts of coercion and collusion that created a secret system of censorship with the traditional media and the main new social media companies that suppressed opinions, important information and news that were critical of his policies. He was also directed by the Court’s constitutional reviews to stop forgiving college student loans without a legal basis, but he has continued in defiance by creating new facilities altering the meaning of old and unrelated regulatory language and programs. The Supreme Court also ordered the reversal as overreach of many regulations mandated by his departments of Energy, Education, Homeland Security, and Environmental Protection. Instead of respecting the Supreme Court´s Opinions, he has publicly criticized them without any foundation on Law. He also gave his support to public demonstrations against the Court´s decisions and some specific Justices, refusing to provide police protection to their persons, their families and homes, as mandated by Law. In light of the imminent and present dangers to the Justices, his dereliction of duty amounts to an effort to influence the court’s decisions by intimidating the Justices. Simultaneously, he threatened the institutionality of the high court by going as far as proposing a mandatory age for retirement of the Justices and increase their number in order to alter its current composition.

                He has failed to protect the people by allowing an invasion of illegal immigrants from more than 140 different countries without common borders with the sovereign territory of the United States. During his term in office, his administration recognizes having allowed close to ten million people to enter without complying with existing immigration laws and regulations. His Department of Homeland Security data shows 6.5 million encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border in that time frame, a figure that includes both the 5.8 million apprehensions between legal ports of entry – the number typically used for illegal immigration – and a little more than 700,000 migrants who arrived at ports of entry without authorization to enter the U.S. There are certainly others who have crossed the border by evading the authorities. DHS estimated there were 660,000 “gotaways,” or unlawful entries, just in fiscal 2021. The agency has not provided an updated estimate, but a projection would support a “gotaway” figure of 1.6 million every year since then. The Federal Bureau of Investigations, FBI has identified many known terrorists and hundreds of other national security risks originated in the uncontrolled immigration allowed from adversary countries. This massive invasion has burdened the budgets of the states, cities and institutions with increased demands for their services in housing, education, health and food assistance. This massive invasion has resulted in the increase of crimes against persons and property and a breakdown of law and order conducive to the Safety and Happiness of the People that are the primary responsibility of the Executive of the Republic.

Celebrate the 248th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence - Vote responsibly

                He has become the sponsor of the largest criminal enterprise that threatens the Safety and Happiness of these United States. President Bidden is an accessory to the criminal death of more than the 60,000 casualties of American military personnel during the nearly 20 years of the Vietnam War. The illegal, in fact open border policy, has also resulted in thousandfold increases in the uncontrolled traffic of illegal drugs, mainly Fentanyl. This contraband has flooded the criminal narcotics market with irreparable harm to states, cities, families and individuals. Recent reports from the public health authorities indicate that 350,000 persons, including children and infants, have died from smuggled Fentanyl since he assumed office. The illegal traffic of Fentanyl combined with the illegal immigration promoted by his open borders policy has resulted in the establishment of criminal organizations that are taking hold of cities and territories of the states, in the multiplication of many other organized criminal activities designed to conceal their gains, and in the corruption of police and judicial authorities.

                He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing to comply with the Laws and by deploying the Federal Department of Justice to persecute his political opponents. President Robinette Bidden has made the office of Attorney General a personal tool of his unconstitutional political objectives. The Federal Department of Justice has interfered and conspired with State Attorney Generals and city District Attorneys to create coordinated legal procedures in different jurisdictions controlled by his political supporters to attack his opponents. He has allowed the “shopping” of partisan courts and judges dependent on his Will alone for the promotion of their offices, in order to obstruct the normal conduct of justice in pursuit of his personal ends. He has used the same instruments to conceal the criminal and treasonous activities of members of his immediate family and associates and to protect them from prosecution. You have become so confident in your autocratic power that you publicly made the call for this conspiracy to begin. On a video filmed at a White House press conference on November 9, 2022, shortly after voters turned out for the midterm elections, he stated, “We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power (by, if we,-babbling in the transcript) if he does run. I'm making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again.” Your actions, and those of your co-conspirators in New York, Washington D. C., Atlanta, Denver and subsequently in other Democratic Party controlled state governments, began as soon as your principal political opponent announced he was running for federal elective office. That concerted political persecution is illegitimate and unconstitutional. It is a degradation of our most sacred legal and political traditions. It is a flagrant violation of the Oath of Office you and your co-conspirators made upon assuming office. The House of Representatives has initiated several investigations into your family’s businesses as well as into the conspiracy to violate, not only your principal political opponent’s fundamental rights, but also the rights of We, the People of these United States to a peaceful transfer of power after conducting free and fair elections.

                He has imposed taxes on us without our consent and then concealed it in the most contemptuous language insulting our intelligence and forgetting that what power he has had was delegated to him by We, The People.  The American Rescue Plan Act was signed into law on March 11, 2021. It did not rescue anything other than his temporary powers due to end. It extended past the emergency many of the national emergency measures declared to counter the economic effects of the shutdown of the economy caused by the Wuhan Covid-19 viral epidemic. Some of the benefits created will tend to become permanent burdens to the fiscal budget. On August 16, 2022, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law, marking one of the largest programs of inflation causing public expenditures in the American economy, energy security, and climate that Congress has made in the nation’s history. The budgets approved for these two spending programs by the slim majority of his party in the houses of Congress have unleashed the highest rates of inflation known in the history of this country in times of peace. They don’t reduce the burden of inflation that has reached more than 20% since he took office for the family of average income, but it is 40% for the basket of necessities required by the family of low income. This concealed tax has been denied and hidden with the most egregious deflections of responsibility. In addition, his monetary policy has elevated more than 300% the cost of credit, burdening further the smaller businesses and homebuyers, and adding pressure to the rising prices. His policies of the Green New Deal, hidden within the spending of the Inflation Reduction Act, have also increased the costs of electricity and other fuels pushing most prices higher. His regulations supporting his policies have increased the costs of commonly used home appliances. The calculations of the Congressional Budget Office, show that any savings from the bill, such as mandating lower drug prices, will not take effect until years in the future. What’s in the Inflation Reduction Act? Here are the big provisions: Creation of a 15% corporate minimum tax rate: Corporations with at least $1 billion in income will have a new tax rate of 15%, inevitably affecting further the consumer prices downstream. Stock buybacks by corporations will face a 1% excise tax. The IRS tax enforcement will be reinforced. The IRS will receive $80 billion in the nation’s tax agency over the next 10 years, and its budget has approval for the immediate hiring of an army of 87,000 tax collectors, many allowed to bear and use arms. The bill provided for numerous subsidies and grants that favor the manufacture of products not wanted by the consumers and aimed at reducing the success of our current diversified energy industry. The Congressional Budget Office, the federal agency that provides budget and economic information to the houses of Congress, has clearly stated that these acts of legislation will not bring any relief to Americans. It likely will not reduce prices at all and it is affecting disproportionally more the families of lower incomes.

                He has deceived the American People. He has promoted the alteration of the basic definitions of the economic process and his administrative offices responsible for providing accurate and timely information about have been found to be late, deficient or outright publishing false data that is constantly and extemporaneously revised. Price inflation results when money supply (M2 is cash on hand and bank deposits) increases faster than output (GDP is gross domestic product). Monetary economists confirmed what the ancients already knew in times when money matters were simpler. It is also true that there are other events that result in what may seem like inflation because their effect is extensive, but it is not the same. A major disruption to supply chains, such as the supply of energy, or an increase in interest rates come to mind; but they do not affect all prices the same way. Only monetary inflation does that. A foreign war, or a serious catastrophe that changes the behavior of consumers may also have extensive effects on many prices, but not all are affected and not the same way. He has refused to accept full responsibility for the monetary inflation he has unleashed, for the trebling of fuel prices that have resulted from his war against fossil fuels, and for the burdening high interest rates his Federal Reserve has imposed on the financial sector.

                He has kept among us, in times of peace, irregular standing armies without the Consent of our legislatures. He has done this by increasing the number of armed public servants acting in many of his administrative departments. He has used the surveillance technology allowed for international operations to be used to violate the rights of American citizens in our own land. He has transformed offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and other agencies with police power for specific law enforcement functions, into para-military squads used for persecuting political opponents, members of Christian religious organizations, or silencing his critics.

 A Federal President, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

                We, therefore, the Citizens of these United States of America, Assembled throughout the nation to exercise our right to elect our representatives to the Highest Offices of the Federal Government, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these states, solemnly publish and petition to The People, That in order to preserve our Union and Our Standing in the world of nations, President Robinette Bidden be voted out of office and be subjected to the investigations ordered by the House of Representatives to determine if further actions are required for his High Crimes and Misdemeanors committed during the term of his office.

Voting is the sovereign power of We, The People

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor on this Day 4th of July of the year of Our Lord of 2024, the 248th Anniversary of the Declaration of Our Independence.

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty"
Thomas Jefferson

Post scriptum: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to actual events, past and present, or to actual persons, places or institutions, is purely coincidental. The arrangement of the accusations and arguments follow those of one of the most famous documents in the history of human political institutions and the history of the fundamental rights of all persons. This is not a parody. It is my homage to the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. The Declaration was approved and signed on July 2 and ratified on July 4th. It was kept secret for several weeks until publishers had made copies and prepared publication. In the meantime, the British Army took over Philadelphia and the remaining members of Congress managed to escape.

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