THEY BROKE THE SOUL OF THE NATION: Keywords: Price controls, Obama, Kamala Harris, Bidenomics, New Economics, Keynesianism, Marxism, Hernando De Soto, boom and bust, the business cycle, Federal Reserve, inflation, social conflict, social anxiety, suicide.
The souls of America in the boiling cauldron of Bidenomics |
A meditation on the consequences of Obama-Biden-Harrisnomics
by Xuan Quen Santos
“I believe the soul is
the breath, the life and the essence of who we are. The soul is what makes us
us. The soul of America is defined by the sacred
proposition that all are created equal in the image of God. That all
are entitled to be treated with decency, dignity and respect. That all deserve
justice and a shot at lives of prosperity
and consequence.”
"I believe America
is at an inflection point, one of those moments that determine the shape of
everything that's to come after. And now America must choose to move forward or
to move backwards. To build a future or obsess about the past. To be a nation
of hope and unity and optimism or a nation of fear ... and of darkness.”
"Now in our
time—as we build an America that is more prosperous, free and just—that is the
work of my presidency. A mission I believe in with my whole soul.”
Excerpt from speech by
President Joe Robinette Biden
of September 1, 2022,
As the end of the Biden-Harris
administration gets close, unemployment has begun to rise, and inflation has
increased more than 20%; gasoline costs more than twice as much as when they took
office and the cost of a mortgage for a median home has increased more than 321%.
Violent riots and looting have burned intermittently during this period; crime
is up in all major cities under their control. Two more international wars
threaten to become World War III. The Department of Justice, the FBI and the
IRS have been weaponized against political opponents, free speech has been curtailed
with illegal associations with large media corporations. The decisions of the
Supreme Court have been ignored… I believe they broke the soul of the nation.
What do you think?
In an interview with a single working mother that
aired on TV two days ago, she expressed how she feels. Tearing up, she said, “They are killing us without
killing us. I am having to make tough decisions to feed my children”. How
do you feel?
All Argentinians have been billionaires several times |
The big new lie, and then a bigger one.
1850 to the present, the manipulation by politicians of the institutions of
money, credit and interest rates, and foreign currency markets created a recurring
series of economic booms and busts. They were characterized by inflation and
recession, banking crises and high interest rates; they generated
hyper-inflations, higher taxes to cover losses, higher foreign debts to
disguise the burden, entire collapse of governments and nations, periods of
political violence, revolutions and world wars, and the disappearance of
multiple monetary systems. They always include confiscations of precious metals
owned by We, The People. These errors of economic theory and policy have two
sides. The academics responsible for these failures have covered them up with
two lies. The first was new in 1848. They argued the recurring phenomenon is
inherent in what the enemies of the free market labeled “capitalism”, and thus
it was declared dead. A century later, they even came up with a scientific name
for it: “the business cycle” as a permanent defect. Then came up a bigger lie.
They labeled it New Economics as a solution: more intervention and
manipulation, but with the aid of macroeconomic aggregates, intrusive
statistics, econometric models, high-speed computers, and a new foreign
language called FED Gobbledygook that only thousands of government experts claim
to understand. They have been called out. Reality has already labeled those
countries that have collapsed as “failed states”. The ones that are on the way
are called “in decline”. The problem is that the theoretical errors and models
of Keynes’ New Economics are embedded in the Laws. Defenders have labeled them
as “quasi-constitutional”, suggesting they will not be changed easily and are
almost sacred. Is the U. S. in decline? Is it too late to correct the course?
Nicaraguan Revolutionary Cordobas. Please notice the new values of 20,000 and 500,000 are just rubber stamped on top of the original denominations |
The essence of New Economics and its long-term consequences.
a separate path, economics as a science continued its autonomous search for the
truth distancing from the positivists’ normative approach whose consequences we
are living. It has won the academic race, but not the educational
establishment. It has won the theoretical field, but not the support of the
compromised policy-makers. It has not made a dent yet in correcting the
“official history” of the Great Depression and FDR’s policies that deepened and
prolonged it. It has yet to make an appearance in popular culture. The first
step in initiating change is to unveil the truth about the theoretical error
that Keynes launched as a “temporary” solution. Instead of disguising what it
really means for the average citizen in many layers of Gobbledygook, here are
the important points that can be understood by anybody with some common sense.
Keynesians begin with the premise that the market economy does not
work, it never worked, and it is dead.
Taken as their axiom, the logical foundation of their construct was taken as
true without proof. That is, unless they accept failed Marxism as the death
Keynesians believe the government (temporary politicians and
encrusted bureaucrats) knows how to make the economic machine perform at its
best. The power of government
must be used to direct the economy by inducing specific behaviors in
unsuspecting and trusting people.
Keynesians believe that demand in the market (the power to buy)
is the fuel that makes the machine operate. This is in direct opposition of what common sense
dictates: we must work and produce first in order to get money. They believe
that demand is represented by money, which is controlled by the government, and
they are indifferent as to whether it is forged money, stolen money, earned
money or just printed paper.
Keynesians believe “excessive saving” is dangerous for the
economy unless it is for purposes
such as retirement or education. In their view money sitting stagnant means less
money in the economy stimulating demand. Spending is good, saving is bad.
Buying is good, having cash in your wallet or in a piggy bank is bad. The way
to control how much money people save for future consumption, or how much they
spend consuming for instant satisfactions is by controlling the interest rates.
The natural interest rates as a market price reflect the dynamic equilibrium of
how free people value their most scarce resource: their time.
Hungary 100,000,000,000,000,000 pengo 1946 Hungarians must be the wealthiest people on the planet |
Near zero interest rates for savers during the last 20 years
have nurtured now two generations of kidlike adults that prefer instant
gratification, have no savings, are heavily in debt, and have no idea how they
got here. They now realize they cannot
afford the American dream, nor pay for their expensive education; they refuse to
do real work for eight hours a day, cheat by spending office time on TikTok,
and want more paid vacations; they cannot afford personal relationships but
have multiple subscriptions to streaming services. Their vision of the future
has been so distorted by the manipulation Keynesian policies have done to their
valuing time that they do not see a future worth living. Hysterical young women
shout for free abortions and young couples choose to travel around the world
instead of raising a family. This nihilist destruction of values explains why
these two generations have been real suckers for the tormenting prophecy by
government scientists that the end of the world is just five years away. Have
you noticed how these two generations wear their mental issues on their sleeves,
live in permanent cycles of depression and anxiety mixed with cocktails of
every drug that allows them to avoid facing reality?
To control interest rates, the government must control the
banks’ operations by owning them, regulating them or lending to them. Banks offer two key rates: rates it pays to people
that save for a future plan, and rates it charges to users of credit who want
to consume or invest now. To stimulate more demand (The boom cycle), they
expand credit at low rates and depress the rates paid to savings. This view is one
of Keynes’ proposals aimed at preventing recessions and deep depressions (The
bust cycle). Loans are of two kinds: a) to finance consumption ahead of time,
like car loans or credit cards, and b) to finance the capital needs of
businesses, whether working capital or capital investment. Low rates on loans
will invariably add to inflation in the consumer market and also mis-direct
capital investment towards businesses that were not needed. In both cases, the
entire system of production is receiving false signals with the increased
demands. The mis-allocation of resources will invariably have a moment of
reckoning that Keynesians call “a market correction”. From happy-go-lucky times
we go to the doldrums. By altering how individuals freely exercise their time-preference,
politicians led by the Keynesians are really taking over the future value of
people’s lives. Interest rates are not just numbers.
To stimulate demand further, Keynesians believe government
spending should be increased. This
happens by lending funds to banks to make more loans; this invariably results
in financing unfeasible projects and wasting scarce capital. Demand is also
stimulated by increasing the payroll of the bureaucracy which adds demand, but
not a single additional product or service in the economy. Government also
creates “public investment” programs -usually public projects- that are
contracted only to spend more money by generating jobs; and finally, it
increases the free give-away programs of entitlements. It is easy to understand
that few new products, if any, are produced as a consequence, but many new
buyers are added.
Poland did not escape hyperinflations. This is a PM 10 million note |
Government loan guarantees steer capital to economic activities
that were not a priority under normal market conditions. The Biden-Harris Green New Deal and the Chips act
favor specific groups of businesses and investors. Rarely do they succeed on
their own and are a major source of “kickbacks” during elections, and into
retirement. Have your heard of the revolving doors from government to industry?
The subsidized industries are also a misallocation of resources that when the
market undergoes a correction, they go bankrupt after wasting public money. Do
you remember Obama’s Solindra bankruptcy scandal? This is also an indirect way
for the government to take over directing the economic activity.
What about the idea of paying people not to work? Don’t you think this policy eventually leads to the
promotion of indolence and it is really a waste of the only source of wealth
creation which is peoples’ creativity? If you are being paid to do nothing with
inflation money, don’t you think you are stealing from all your neighbors and
relatives that work? What is happening to the world famous “American work
What about price inflation? The accumulated inflation from the Biden-Harris term
for three- and one-half years is now close to 20%. This is not the whole
picture. They also raised the interest rates for first-time buyer home
mortgages from 3.25% to 7.5%, which is an increase of 231%. In the first case,
it means that one $ 1.00 of 2020 is worth now only seventy-five cents. It also
means that to buy the same items that you could buy for one dollar, now you
need $ 1.25. The first-time home buyer cannot do much other than wait for
better times, hope to win the lottery, and continue living with parents.
Keynesians know that adding demand by simply manipulating credit
and increasing public spending inevitably creates price inflation, although
they deny it with many distractors. They
can “pump money” into the economy by simply ordering the printing of more money.
Nowadays, they do not even need to waste any paper and ink. They just rig the
books of the FED and the Treasury and use EFTs. This type of money is called
“fiat” currency or just paper money.
The socialist Weimar Republic DM 1,000,000 led the way for the ascent of Hitler |
Fiat money is not backed by gold or silver, or any other
commodity. The government mandates its use and restrics its alternatives. In 1971, President Richard Nixon suspended the US
dollar convertibility to gold at one ounce for $ 35.00, turning the currency
into paper money. By now, most monetary systems are “fiat money” or based on
reserves of US dollars (fiat money). Nixon’s turn to New Economics was an
attempt to cure the rampant inflation he inherited from President Johnson’s Vietnam
War and free-for-all “War on Poverty” entitlement programs passed shortly
before the election. In another desperate move, Nixon imposed harmful wage and price
controls. The price of gold was freed and has risen close to $ 2,500 per ounce.
An ominous sign is that by 2024, the main rival countries of the
U. S. have been hoarding gold reserves as they prepare to separate from the U.
S. depreciated Biden-Harris paper money.
Nixon’s Keynesian policies created a decade of stagflation. It was only “cured”
by double-digit interest rates, causing the devastating 1981 recession. One
step backward and two forward for controlling all people’s lives, but they
still blame the “defective market forces”.
Since price inflation is inevitable when demand is artificially
stimulated, it soon develops its own inertia. People complain about higher prices and push for
increased salaries. Labor unions strike or negotiate for higher wages.
Corporations begin to flounder or raise the prices on their products. Do you
remember Obama-Biden’s Great Recession? The government regulates prices in a
futile attempt to keep them low, and eventually establishes price controls.
These generate scarcity and lines of buyers with quotas. Do you remember Jimmy
Carter’s Stagflation? Government raises taxes to cover fiscal holes. Some key
corporations are directly controlled or nationalized, like utilities and energy
companies. Corporations and small businesses begin to close, and layoffs
increase the rolls of the unemployed…etc. Do you remember the Great Depression
of FDR? Are you
experiencing now the Biden-Harris’ Great Inflation that will last until 2025 if
there is a correction soon? What if there is no correction? What if the
correction they will do is a nice, little recession?
Somewhere along the process described in the preceding paragraphs,
Keynesians realize they blew it again. It
always happens since their “data” and indicators are from the past and events
are racing towards the future. No one can know the future, but with our
individual free choices we have a part in making it. Has the FED and the government taken this
essential part of who you are? Have you noticed that you are less and less in
control of the decisions that shape your future? Policy makers are always late to their own game and
delaying your own.
What plans did you have
five years ago that you cannot afford anymore? We, the People, catch
on and begin to prepare: hoarding basic supplies, buying gold or silver,
migrating, joining the underground economy, buying foreign currency, hiding
grandma’s silver and jewels, buying an AR-15…etc. People try to get rid of the
paper money they have since they know it is losing purchasing power by the
minute. People buy whatever there is because tomorrow there will be none. Ask
Venezuelans, Cubans, Nicaraguans, Argentinians, Bolivians, Turks,
Inflations that have become a “push button” on the desks of
central bankers and treasuries have devastating effects on identifiable
segments of the population. As
price inflation begins to rise, everyone that depends on fixed incomes begins
to suffer. These include most retired seniors, but it also includes alimony and
child support payments. If inflation persists or keeps increasing, pressures
mount for COLAs, cost of living adjustments. Of course, inflation is the
trigger for strikes and walkouts by the labor unions. Another group that
suffers losses are merchants or real estate owners that have financed their
customers at fixed rates. The value of all the future payments is dropping in
purchasing value. They will be paid less value than what they lent. If
inflation continues for a longer period, as many salaries will be adjusted by
employers, the workers will find that their new income level has put them at a
higher income tax bracket, and they will end up paying more than before in real
terms. The tax collectors are the first to take advantage of rising prices.
They will receive more revenue as prices soar without changing the rates.
Properties are re-appraised, and owners will pay more for the same property and
public services. If you own a restaurant, or need price-lists, inflation forces
you to re-print or re-do frequently your menus and catalogs. Imagine what
supermarkets and retailers have to go through with re-labeling and re-tagging
all their merchandise. Electronic lists have solved this problem at a lower
cost. If you know accounting, you understand that businesses that rotate
inventory face the problem of pricing. This is known as the FIFO, LIFO and NIFO
choices. If you do not use NIFO during a spiraling inflation you go broke very
quickly. If the inflation rate is higher than the interest paid on savings,
CDs, and dividends, you are losing the value of your investments and are
getting poorer by the minute.
Mental health and civil court statistics show an indubitable
fact. The Keynesian buttons of inflation, recession, and unemployment have a
direct impact on the mental health of We, The People, and in the type of
society we may have in the future. The
stress and anxiety related to deteriorating economic conditions are a major
cause of conflicts leading to divorce, separation, abandonment, and even
abortion. They are also the cause of children´s being raised by single parents,
grandparents, other family members, or low-cost daycare. These circumstances
influence the stable and healthy development of children. Increasingly,
families have become two- or three-income families to cope with stressed basic
budgets. The number of children that become wards of the state is embarrassing.
These same stresses affect the decisions to start new families. The age for
marriage has been postponed by a decade in a century, fertility rates have
dropped and there is even a new acronym….. Millennials and Gen Z are putting of
having children because they are “too expensive. A new generation of DINK
couples has arrived: Dual Income – No Kids. Imagine what kind of future will
countries have under Keynesian controllers that produce DINKS who believe that capitalism
will destroy the world in five years?
Greta Thunberg at UN pleading for capitalists to stop destroying the planet |
If Keynesians have enough time to apply the brakes, they begin
to raise interest rates to slow the economy. This literally means “to provoke a
recession”. The direct and immediate
consequence is the rise in unemployment. Firing bureaucrats is not easy, so it
usually means that productive workers will be the first to suffer the
consequences. And then, there is seniority or mandatory retirement. Young and
senior workers get fired first. While some get two jobs, others begin to burden
themselves with expensive credit to finance immediate necessities. Business and
personal bankruptcies begin; pawn shops increase their business, repo men
thrive, foreclosures increase…etc. Before long, crime begins to grow in waves
and there is a breakdown in law and order. Unless there is another timely
reversal, soon the mobs are out in their “peaceful” acts of vandalism and
destruction. Do you
think is moral that a small group of un-elected manipulators of money and interest
can wipe out in an instant the livelihoods of millions of families? What kind of chaos do they cause in the hearth of
unsuspecting families? I was devastated listening to the interview of a lady
describing how she has been affected by Bidenomics. As she broke down in tears,
she said, “They are killing us without killing us. With my fixed income, I
am having to make tough decisions about feeding my children.” There are
many studies that confirm that during recessions the number of suicides
increases in parallel to the business bankruptcies.
How secure is your job? It is not your boss’ fault if the
government’s policy alters the market’s conditions and he has to reduce or
close the business. It is your government that thinks producing inflations and
recessions are good policies to play with. They play with your job, your income, your mortgage,
your kid’s future, your savings and the value of the stocks in your 401K or IRA
account. Did you give consent?
The price of one roll of toilet paper is two piles of Venezuelan Revolutionary Bolivares |
By manipulating money and
interest rates, Keynesians degrade the economy and gradually destroy the wealth
of We, The People, which they would call “the nation”. Total
production eventually has a lesser value than what it costs to produce it. One
example is that after years of having approved contracts to build a national
network of EV charging stations, only twelve are built, each one at a cost of
two billion dollars each. This is calculated by dividing the total approved
spending into the actual units built. Cost overruns, delays, thievery,
corruption, fraud and inferior quality are what accompanies “public investment”
By destroying the market
prices, Keynesians throw all the allocations of scarce resources (human labor,
human capital, natural, entrepreneurial, capital goods, and financial capital)
into confusion and disarray. Wealth is inevitably destroyed and
under-utilized. Market prices are the only source of information that people
use to make decisions with their different time-preference, valuations, and
personal objectives. This is a scientific finding confirmed by numerous studies
of the World Bank, the IMF and the U. N. None were studying the U. S. economy
which many believe is above the economic disorder you can observe in all
socialist countries, failed states, or countries with a low score in the
Economic Freedom Index of the World which is a characteristic of all
under-developed countries (Developing? Third World?). What is the solution? Liberate
the markets, stop the controls on capital flows and prices, have a stable currency,
reduce the burden of state budgets, eliminate regulations and corruption,
guarantee the security of contracts and property… Of course, although the WB,
IMF and UN made the correct diagnosis, their solutions have always been to hire
one of their Keynesian experts as consultants in order to fix the problem. That
solution does not work. Either the market is free or is not. What these sewers
of socialist has-beens recognize is that liberated economies have the potential
to grow, just as a result of eliminating price distortions, between 1.5% and 3%
per year. My friend Hernando De Soto’s books “The Other Path” (1986) and “The Mystery
of Capital” (2000) demonstrate how poor, but free people around the world can
rise above poverty if the burden of the economic direction of the public
administration is lifted. From Lima’s Instituto Libertad y Democracia, De Soto’s
initiatives are an alternative to the “more of the same” promoted by the
international aid agencies. Have you noticed that the IMF and the WB always
save the failed states? It is really to cover their fingerprints. Socialist led
international bureaucracies saving and advising local socialist bureaucracies, usually
with funds provided by the U. S. socialist bureaucracies. The informal economy
is part of the underground economy, but even though it is declared illegal by
abusive legislation, it is not immoral or contrary to what people would do in
liberty if the laws were moral. The larger the informal economy, the bigger the
public corruption.
"El Otro Sendero", a study of the free market of poor people oppressed by bureaucrats |
Is the Soul of America broken?
If President Biden had wanted to be honest about the American people’s soul, he could have plagiarized a famous phrase, just like he had done many times before. It comes from a famous socialist war reporter who had an epiphany after witnessing the realities of socialism in practice, the horrors of Leninism and Stalinism. His writings afterwards became masterpieces of the XX century literature (“1984” and “Animal Farm”).
soul of America is defined by the sacred proposition that all are created equal.
What the American people have to understand is just that there are some of us
that are more equal than the others.”
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